2019 Bass Coast Artists’ Society AGM



** NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – 11am Saturday 31st August 2019

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Bass Coast Artists’ Society will be held in The Goods Shed, via Big W carpark off Biggs Drive/Korumburra Road Wonthaggi  VIC  3995, on Saturday 31st August, 2019 at 11:00 am. All Members are invited to attend at 10:30am for morning tea and to socially engage prior to the meeting.

As is usual, all committee positions will be vacated at the AGM and nominations will be taken from any financial club member who may wish to take a place on our committee. Six committee positions will be vacant, ie President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 2 ordinary member positions. 
I would urge you all to consider the possibility of becoming a committee member. It is rewarding, not terribly time consuming and just a good way of contributing to the running of our wonderful organisation. If you would like to discuss please give me a call on 0402 893 145 or email me at


Eligible members seeking nomination and election should complete the attached nomination form and lodge it by email to or by post to Post Office Box 571, Wonthaggi  VIC  3995.  All nominations must be received by the Society no later than 4pm Thursday 22nd August 2019.
Any member who can not attend but wishes to vote is entitled to appoint another member as a proxy by notice which must be received by the Society no later than 24 hours before the time of the meeting. The attached Proxy form is included for you to complete and submit by email or post if you wish.
Questions for the Committee to be included on the Agenda are to be received by the Society by, email or post, no later than 4:00pm Thursday 22nd August, 2019.  


1. Apologies

2. To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting

3. Business arising from the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting

4. President’s Report

5. Presentation of 2018/2019 Financial Statements

6. Member Questions

7. To elect officers of the Association and the ordinary members of the Committee

Diana Holmberg
President, Bass Coast Artists’ Society

Mobile: 0402 893 145