WHIMSICAL WREATHS with Regina Dudek Skill level- All levels – $85 (BCAS members $80) Date: Thursday 16th of January 1.30 – 4.30pm Do you crave the unusual – the off-beat – and want to make it yourself? Try making your own Whacky Wreath. Regina had been creating...
Clay Work Shop with Rob Matheson

Clay Work Shop with Rob Matheson

Skill Level: All LevelsCost: $45 BCAS Members $55 Non MembersDate: 9th February 2020 10am – 4pm with follow up half day Rob has already had some very successful fully booked workshops and with sufficient interest we may be able to hold another. Fancy yourself as...
Michelle Bennette

Michelle Bennette

“Where painters or drawers create a version of an image, photographers capture what is real” I started taking photos as a child using a Kodak 126 Instamatic camera. I remember being impatient, waiting for the photos to arrive after a week. I always kept my favourite...