I have always wanted to paint but life took over and there was never the time or the money.
In 1990 a dear friend (lovely artist) passed away and left me all his art supplies from his studio with a note telling me to “Get at it! Life if too short to not do the things you love”, so I took myself off to the CAE (Council of Adult Education) and did a beginners watercolour year and was immediately hooked.
Since then I have completed a number of watercolour courses with Sandra Harvey, Malcolm Beatty, Malcolm Webster, David Taylor and others and have learned a lot of technique from these wonderful artists I am still trying to develop my own style, and I am sure will continue to do so until I hang up my brushes which hopefully is a long time away.
Watercolour can be so frustrating at times but it is a wonderful medium to work with and is my first love even though I do also paint in acrylic.
I was a member of the Whitehorse Artists Society from 1990 until I moved to Wonthaggi three years ago and re-joined BCAS. I initially joined BCAS about fifteen years ago (for a few years) enjoying the many workshops which were held then.
I love painting and attending Wednesday Open Studio at the Goods Shed for the art, the fun and wonderful comradery we all have. It is not about winning prizes or selling art for me, but enjoying what I do, sharing with friends and having a go. Anything else is just an added bonus.